
Project Liftoff

I am honoured to have been commissioned by the National Council of Social Service in Singapore to illustrate the pages of their latest endeavour: Project Liftoff.

From scenarios to personas in the workplace, we wanted the report to position persons with disabilities as people with similar hopeful aspirations who face unique challenges, and how small shifts in attitudes and pre-conceived notions can shape a better working environment for them.

"Spearheaded by an inter-agency team from NCSS, MSF and the Public Service Division, Project Liftoff used design thinking - a research method that begins with end-users in mind. For eight months, the Project Liftoff team focused on how to increase sustainable employment options for persons with disabilities from mainstream schools. The team found that persons with disabilities wanted to be active participants in their search for employment and that work readiness was best fostered by work itself.

With these concerted efforts, and through positive engagement of the government and community, the Council strives to galvanise resources and efforts to meet the needs of the people with disabilities." - NCSS


Project Liftoff

I am honoured to have been commissioned by the National Council of Social Service in Singapore to illustrate the pages of their latest endeavour: Project Liftoff.

From scenarios to personas in the workplace, we wanted the report to position persons with disabilities as people with similar hopeful aspirations who face unique challenges, and how small shifts in attitudes and pre-conceived notions can shape a better working environment for them.

"Spearheaded by an inter-agency team from NCSS, MSF and the Public Service Division, Project Liftoff used design thinking - a research method that begins with end-users in mind. For eight months, the Project Liftoff team focused on how to increase sustainable employment options for persons with disabilities from mainstream schools. The team found that persons with disabilities wanted to be active participants in their search for employment and that work readiness was best fostered by work itself.

With these concerted efforts, and through positive engagement of the government and community, the Council strives to galvanise resources and efforts to meet the needs of the people with disabilities." - NCSS

Illustration, Publication Graphics

Project Liftoff - Second Page.jpg